Around 1950, the ruin process of Arxeriz begins. The little dairy industry starts the crisis and the farming activity is reduced to minims. The López Suárez doctor, few time before his death, in the summer of 1970, sold all his properties to his nephew D. José Rodríguez López, an industrialist who try to revitalize Arxeriz with pure and hard innovation rules, guided toward productive maximization. He built large industrial units, which remains out-dated very quickly. The damage arrives with the abandoned of recuperation plans.
“In 1996, D. Xosé Soto Rodríguez creates the Xosé Soto de Fión Foundation; organization that assures the success of restoration works”
In 1985, the new owner, D. Xosé Soto Rodríguez, bought Arxeriz to his uncle D. José Rodríguez López, D. Xosé Soto Rodríguez (Xosé de Arxeriz) negotiates the installation of a workshop school to rectify the ruin situation of Arxeriz. The workshop school was opened from 1993 until 1996; it was promoted by "A.A.V.V. Ribeiras do Miño das Terras do Saviñao" (neighbours association), with the direction of José A. Quiroga Díaz and supporting by Ceferino Díaz.
In 1996, D. Xosé Soto Rodríguez creates the Xosé Soto de Fión Foundation; organization that assures the success of restoration works, and in 1999 receives Arxeriz in property by delivery from the president-founder in donation concept.The Xosé Soto de Fión Foundation leads the way of Arxeriz as model of benchmark for recovery of ethnographic, natural, historic and artistic heritage. Interventions are expected in the future in Doiras castle in Cervantes, heritage element of the Foundation by president donation.
Its estatutes govern the actions of the Foundation.